Purpose of study
At New Oscott Primary School, we provide exciting and stimulating differentiated lessons that are inclusive and promote problem solving and discovery through a practical element. We use top quality resources that are purposeful and relevant: working scientifically objectives are taught alongside the national curriculum content ensuring clear and focused coverage of the 5 enquiry types. This expands the children’s understanding of the world that they live in and gives them the tools to be able to think as scientists. Children are inspired to ask questions which promote independent learning. They are encouraged to question the world around them and to use prior learning to explain what they discover. The pupils at New Oscott Primary School can appreciate science being used in their local environment and everyday life: this promotes cross-curricular links and helps them relate science to their own experiences. During our lessons, the children are exposed to scientific vocabulary in a progressive and ambitious manner: lessons involve clear and concise modelling of this vocabulary giving children the confidence to use the correct terminology in their work.
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
‘We are scientists’ Key Principles
1. We provide exciting and stimulating differentiated lessons to ensure that all children are engaged.
2. All science lessons are inclusive and promote problem solving and discovery through some practical element.
3. We use top quality resources that are purposeful and relevant.
4. Children are inspired to ask questions which promote independent learning.5. Children can appreciate science being used in their local environment and everyday life which promotes cross-curricular links and relates to their own experiences.
6. Children can understand and use scientific vocabulary in a progressive and ambitious manner.
Find out more about our Intent, Implementation and Impact for our Science Curriculum in our Curriculum Expectations.
Each term we share different scientists with the children that link to the area that they are currently learning about.
We love learning science with a really practical approach at New Oscott as stated above in our key principles document.
Here are some of the investigations we will be carrying out across school this year…
Which material causes more friction?
What affects do different drinks have on our teeth?
Which parachute is most useful?
What do plants need to grow?
What do fish need to survive?
How do periscopes work?
Which soil is the most permeable?
How does a cake change over time?
What are the properties of different materials?
Here is what some of the children at New Oscott think about science...
‘I love doing experiments!’
‘Science really gets your brain working!’
‘The only thing I would change about science at our school is nothing!’
‘I thought researching Steve Jobs was really interesting!’
‘I liked looking for creatures - science outside is the best!’